Constantinos Gallis

MArch, MCP

Constantinos Gallis is an artist, musician and student from Athens, Greece, interested in the effects and implications of urban growth and decay on the natural environment and society. He has explored his interests through personal academic research, audio-visual investigations, and practical work experience at firms in both Athens and New York.

In 2022 Constantinos created an album entitled Third Places to map and compare the audio-visual environments of twelve points in Berlin, and in 2023 he created Atmospheres for Windhover, a one-time live ambient performance of three thirty-minute sound pieces composed specifically for the Windhover Contemplative Center. This past May, alongside four collaborators, Constantinos created a video installation entitled 'Confluence', which reflected the relationship between humans and the natural world, and was displayed on the Salesforce Tower in San Francisco for six days. Furthermore, he independently designed and taught a course at Stanford University entitled ‘Athenian Urbanisms’, which focused on the city’s contemporary urban challenges, architectural history, and shifting identity.

Constantinos received a B.A. in Urban Studies from Stanford University, and graduated with honors and distinction. He is currently pursuing both a Master of Architecture and a Master in City Planning at MIT.